What is the combination of a set of tablecloth, bed sheet and other
things ?
The size combination are usually as
follows :-
TABLECLOTHS :72x108"/72x126"/72x144"/90x90"
one set consists
1 pc. 72x108"/72x126"/72x144"/90"
And 12 Napkins in 18x18"
72x162"/72x180" one set consists of 1 pc.
72x162"/72x180" and 18 napkins in 18x18"
72x216" one set consists of 1 pc. 72x216"
and 24 napkins in 18x18"
72x72"/72x90" one set consists of 1 pc.
72x72"/72x90" and 8 napkins in 18x18"
45x45"/54x54"/54x72" one set consists of
1 pc. 45x45"/54x54"/54x72" and 6 napkins in 12x12".
36x36" one set consists of 1 pc. 36x36"
and 4 napkins in 12x12"
BED SHEETS :90X108/3", 96X110/3" 3 pcs.
set consists of 1 pc. bed sheets in 90x108"/96x110" and 1 pair
Pillowcases in 22x34"
90x108/2", 96x110/2" 2 pcs. set consists
of 1 pc. bed sheets in 90x108"/96x110" and 1 pc.Pillowcase in 18x63"
72x108/2"2 pcs. set consists of 1 pc. bed
sheets in 72x108" and 1 pc. pillowcase if Spanish stylein 18x45"
BREAKFAST SET : One set consists of 12
pcs. in 14x20" or 12x18" and 12 pcs. in 18x18" or 16x16" or 14x14"
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